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Getting Started

The basic bot starts with extending HadesBotService:

// src/services/BotService.ts
import { HadesBotService, singleton } from "hades";

export class BotService extends HadesBotService {
async onReady() {
console.log(`Logged in as ${this.client.user.username}.`);

BotService.onReady() will be called when the associated Discord.js event is fired and in this case log a message to the console.

We're using the @singleton() decorator here to bind BotService to itself within the container as a singleton.

Container Setup

In our index.ts we can configure the container:

// src/index.ts
import "reflect-metadata";
import { HadesContainer } from "hades";

import { BotService } from "./services/BotService";

const container = new HadesContainer();
const bot = container.get(BotService);

In order for dependency injection to work, we need to import reflect-metadata. Just a fact of life.

After creating the HadesContainer we can then request an instance of our BotService.

We can finally login to Discord as the bot.

Writing the Config

Add your token and user ID to config/default.json:

"discordToken": "your bot token here",
"botOwner": "your discord id here"

That's it.

If you ts-node src/index.ts the bot should now boot up and connect to any servers you've added it to.

Of course it doesn't do anything...yet!